Anti Wrinkle Injections or Muscle Relaxant Therapy is a Neurotoxin. When It is Used In Minute Quantities, It Can Relax Muscles And Decrease Some Glandular Secretions.
Where does it originate from?
Anti wrinkle injections are produced by bacterium, which is found in soil. It is used therapeutically and is highly purified and specially formulated. Seven types (called serotypes labelled A-G) are produced by bacteria. Type A has been used successfully for years.

How does it work in muscles?
Acetylcholine (ACh) is a chemical messenger, produced in our nerves to stimulate the muscles to contract. When type a is injected into a muscle which a patient wishes to relax, it moves into the nerves supplying that muscle. The release of acetylcholine is reduced, thus reducing muscle contraction.
How does it work in gland disorders?
Glands such as those responsible for sweating, salivary production and tear production (called exocrine glands) are also stimulated by nerves using acetylcholine.

How does muscle relaxant therapy work in gland disorders?
Glands such as those responsible for sweating, salivary production and tear production (called exocrine glands) are also stimulated by nerves using acetylcholine. In some conditions it is considered useful to decrease the amount of secretion from these glands. For example, it can be considered useful to reduce sweating in certain areas. Just as in muscles, type A injected into the affected glands, will move into the nerves, and block the rules of acetylcholine, so reducing further secretions.
How is it administered?
Type A is always diluted with saline before being administered. It is then drawn up into a syringe and injected into the target muscle or gland.
Who should it be administered by?
It should only be administered by a Specialist Medical Practitioner, who has had training in administration.

Does it hurt?
There may be a little discomfort at the site of injection, but this should only be temporary. Your Doctor may rub a little local anaesthetic cream onto the skin to dull the needle prick.
How long does the treatment take to start working?
It starts to work around 2-3 days after injection, reaching its peak effect after 2 weeks
How long does the treatment last?
The duration of clinical effects varies, depending on what it is being administered for. Generally, its relaxing effect on muscles lasts for up to 4 months, but the duration of effect in gland disorders can be more than this. Once the effect has worn off, you will normally need another treatment.
How long will I continue to benefit from the anti wrinkle injections?
Many have been benefiting from muscle relaxant therapy for over 20 years. A small percentage may develop antibodies to it. This will mean that the muscle relaxing effect will diminish, or disappear completely. In this situation, your Doctor may try another serotype.
Can I expect any side effects?
Side effects that are seen tend to be mild, local and usually do not last long. They vary depending on where it is injected to treat your condition. Common side effects tend to result from an over relaxation of the muscle, or reduced gland secretions