Muscle-relaxing injections, when used in minute quantities, assist in combating wrinkles and fine lines. The most popular areas for treatment are horizontal lines to the forehead, frown lines between the eyebrows, crows feet and lines around the mouth.

How it works:
A chemical messenger, Acetylcholine, is produced in our nerves to stimulate the muscles to contract. When it is injected into a muscle, which the Patient wishes to relax, it moves into the nerves supplying that muscle. The release of acetylcholine is reduced, thus reducing muscle contraction.
How is it administered?
Treatment is considered painless by the majority of Patients and takes approximately 5-10 minutes (depending on the number of areas treated). Diluted with saline, it is administered into the muscle, using a very fine needle.
How soon will I see results?
Muscle relaxing injections start to work 2-3 days post treatment, reaching its peak after 2 weeks.

How long does it last?
Duration of the clinical effect can vary, depending on what it is being administered for. Generally, its relating effect on muscles lasts for up to 4 months, yet the duration of effect in gland disorders can be more than this. It can also be used to treat the medical condition of excessive sweating, called hyperhidrosis, and to alleviate the symptoms of migraine.
Complementary top-up!
At the Aesthetic and Laser Clinic, we offer free fortnightly review, whereby you can return for top up, of the product. We do this as part of the initial treatment, without any charge. Our goal is to achieve your optimum result